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96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :
@96 GTS: You propably already read some of the hints in this thread. Just practice and don't go faster than you can.


Oh, for sure, lol. I need to practice tons. I can drive the stages slowly, but it's so tempting to push, until ou hit trees....

Absolutely amazing sim, this one has a permanant place on my hard drive for sure
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I just installed the demo. All I can say is holy sh*t!!! I thought I was a fairly decent LFS racer, but OMG, this just kicked my arse, LOL. I don't think it's a problem with the sim, I've done the steering lag fix and everything. Nothing feels weird or wrong, just effing hard.

I had immense respect for rally drivers before playing this, but holy crap, those guys/girls (can't forget Michèle Mouton) are gods.

Immense fun, by the way. I really need the full version.
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Aah yes, the switchback - a classic maneuver and hard to pull off. Easier if the following turn is in the same direction mind.

Yep, that's the reason it works so well at the end of the straight at BL1
Quote from CSU1 :Ok, I've been wondering about this for a while....
On bl_gp let's say we are in the xfg for pig iron.
Two drivers end up side by side and I am in the outside lane just passing the "100" marker at the end of the straight
getting ready to break and aim for the apex,
meanwhile the driver to my right has no chance of making the apex
at that speed/brake point and he follows me into the apex.
Should I
A. Make room for him thus missing the apex?
B. Should he slow down and let me go through as I am in the outside lane entering the apex?

Make room for him to miss the apex, then grab the apex as soon as he slides past. This is the switchback/repass maneuver that Gentlefoot and I were referring to.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Yeah most Corel Software was only on the 1st CD, and all the rest was bundled goodies. I used it a while back (kinda shocked Corel doesn't have it anymore), and this downloadable one is pretty much the same thing I remember.

It's too bad Corel doesn't apply itself for nice 3D programs anymore... I had a favorite one years and years ago, Corel Dream 3D from the Corel 7 Suite.

Software like that is weird, Photoshop 6 is like 95MB installed on my hard drive. Photoshop CS2 along with Imageready and Bridge is like 300MB.

Per megabyte of program, photoshop has to be one of the most expensive, at least in mainstream software. Thank God for student pricing though
96 GTS
S2 licensed
The classic repassing maneuver. If a car is outbraking you down the inside, don't panic, hold your line, and continue to brake smoothly. Wait until their rear bumper is past your front bumper, then turn in. Chances are they'll run wide of the corner from outbraking you, and you'll have the inside line from the apex of the corner to the exit, and get a faster line through the corner. 9 times out of 10 you'll end up repassing them. This works especially well at the end of the blackwood main straight, although it works for just about any bend that you actually have to brake for.

Another one is always use your ears. Granted, LFS doesn't have surround sound, and many of us don't have 5.1 speaker systems, but you can still visualize where your opponents are from the sounds of their cars, this is very useful, as it allows you to pay attention to the track ahead.

BTW, racecraft is more of an art form than a skill I'd say
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I woke up at 6
Ate some Cheerios
Laid down for a little bit
Went to Math Class
Got home
Messed Around on the computer
Wrote one English assignment
Screwed around some more
Wrote another English assignment
Screwed Around
Worked on my Chem homework
Ate Dinner
Posted in this thread
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I don't really know anything about this, but you posted that your FF level was "off" in your sidewinder settings, I'm guessing that it should be "on"
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Tire pressure and camber are Asymetrical IIRC Some other stuff might be, but I can't remember
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Oh great, another endless loop....

I'm the type that can loop Magical Trevor for hours...

<Edit>LOL, the Badgerbadgerbadger thing is the first workout my subwoofer has had all morning</edit>
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
My computer after a certain forum member *cough*Bergade*cough*cough* got done with it.....
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Just ship it off to Kegetys if you want it in LFS
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I play Halo 2 on Xbox Live, and ocasionally I go online on Forza, but that's it. I don't play any other online PC games, lol
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I took a corner hard enough in my dad's truck to scuff the lettering on the tires......

Wasn't one of my smarter moves, but hey, call it proving LFS
96 GTS
S2 licensed
40-50 no matter what. Everything maxed out, 6x AA, 8x AF. It's a Radeon 9550, so it's not the best card, but LFS is the only game I play, and it works just fine.
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :It's all part of the US administration's Galactic War on Terror. Strip Pluto of "planet" status and classify it as a "rogue asteroid" and you can unilaterally impose a friendly puppet government and extract its mineral wealth with no objections from the UN

96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :Yes, looks even better in movement, what else is better way to promote a sim than a slomo movie: (or crappier version in

After watching that, buy a bargain of the year: ... _Burns_Rally/Product.html

I need it, I doubt the free shipping applies to the U.S. though :-\ Will they ship here?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
my dream Corrado
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Yellowcard-Rough Landing, Holly
96 GTS
S2 licensed
it's way out of proportion too, a 747 is waaaaay bigger than that, it would be significantly wider than the roadway
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Halo 2?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
45.5% out of 323, I need to race more....
96 GTS
S2 licensed
What's the maximum aperature on that lens? With my Nikon 300mm F/4.5 lens I can't stop action, it must be a very large lens, what did it cost??

<edit>:doh: I see you were using ISO 800, that explains everything.....</edit>
96 GTS
S2 licensed
lol, I know, but the thread title says "Brabus" not "Barabus"